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Начало > Финансовый слам > NewGalaxies.com - получи $600, заплатив $30

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Subject re:NewGalaxies.com - получи $600, заплатив $30
Message from:  CrocoT at: 23.09.2004 13:50
subject: re:NewGalaxies.com - получи $600, заплатив $30

Once you have a Recruit Status, you cannot start the Colonization Star System to purchase or sell (or also, to earn/pay money). To organize your own Corporation, you will need to buy a License from Your Commander. The license fee is $70. Once you have purchased your first license, you will have Corporation Owner Status and you will be able to start your own Colonization Star Systems, as well as, purchase, sell, and earn profits. Therefore, full participation in the game will cost you $100
И ночью ваши денежки заройте в землю-где?

Time 23.09.2004 13:50
Создатель CrocoT
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